Because of the present pandemic, Seedlings Training has had to adapt their working practices.
For all First Aid Courses, each learner has their own manikin which will have a brand new single use lung and airway system as well as a freshly sterilised face. The rest of the manikin has been thoroughly cleaned with specialised alcohol impregnated wipes.
An individual 'learning pack' is provided which comprises of a mini trainer AED with pads, gloves, sterile bandages, a single use triangular bandage, a disposable apron and, depending on the course an individual adrenaline auto injector trainer, all in a sealed bag. A bottle of hand sanitiser is placed on each desk. Desks are spread out and ventilation is in place.
Because of the ongoing Covid -19 rules I am working at a reduced capacity. Smaller groups are less likely to spread the virus. The upside to this is the whole learning experience is enhanced with more time allocated to practical scenarios!